Monatsarchive: Juli 2011

Seutter: Asia cum omnibus imperiis provinciis statibus et insulis iuxta observationes recentissimas et accuratissimas

[Mattaeus Seutter:] Asia cum omnibus imperiis provinciis statibus et insulis iuxta observationes recentissimas et accuratissimas [cartographic material] / correcta et adornata per Matthaeum Seutter, Sac. Caes. Maj. Geographum Aug. Vind (Augsburg/Wien: Matthaeus Seutter 1730) Digitized: National Library of Australia Bibliographic … Weiterlesen

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Su: The Chinese family system

Sing Ging Su: The Chinese family system (New York: International Press, 1922) Bibliographic reference: BS col. 3963 Digitized: > Internet Archive (digitizing sponsor: MSN; book contributor: Cornell University Library) > Internet Archive (digitizing sponsor: MSN; book contributor: University of California … Weiterlesen

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Blakiston: Five months on the Yang-Tsze

Thomas Wright Blakiston: Five months on the Yang-Tsze : with a narrative of the exploration of its upper waters and notices of the present rebellions in China. Ill. from 17 sketches by Alfred Barton. With maps by Arrowsmith (London: John … Weiterlesen

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Trade statistics of the treaty ports, for the period 1863-1872

Trade statistics of the treaty ports, for the period 1863-1872. Compiled for the Austro-Hungarian Universal Exhibition, Vienna 1873, to illustrate the international exchange of products. Published by order of the Inspector General of Chinese Maritime Customs. (Shanghai: Printed at the … Weiterlesen

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Hervey de Saint-Denys: Poésies de l’époque des Thang

[Marie-Jean-Léon Hervey de Saint-Denys:] Poésies de l’époque des Thang (VIIe, VIIIe et IXe siècles de notre ère). Traduites du Chinois pour la première fois avec une étude sur l’art poétique en Chine et des notes explicatives par le Marquis d’Hervey-Saint-Denys (Paris: … Weiterlesen

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Futterer: Durch Asien

Karl Futterer: Durch Asien. Erfahrungen, Forschungen und Sammlungen während der von Amtmann Dr. Holderer unternommenen Reise. Mit Unterstützung des Grossherzoglich Badischen Ministeriums der Justiz, des Kultus und Unterrichts und des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Karlsruhe herausgegeben. Bibliographic reference: BS col. 2158 … Weiterlesen

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Qu/Hervey de Saint-Denys: Le Li-sao

[Qu Yuan 屈原/] Marie-Jean-Léon Hervey de Saint-Denys:  Le Li-sao: poème du IIIe siècle avant notre ère (Paris: Maisonneuve et Cie. 1870) Digitized: > Google Books (Original from Columbia University, digitized 18 August 2009) > Bavarian State Library Bibliographic reference: BS … Weiterlesen

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Siegfried: Seize mois autour du monde 1867-69

Jacques Siegfried: Seize mois autour du monde 1867-69 et particulièrement aux Indes, en Chine et au Japon (Paris: Hetzel, 1869). Bibliographic reference: BS col. 2131 Digitized: Internet Archive (digitizing sponsor: Google; book contributor: University of Michigan) Entry in Wiener China-Bibliographie … Weiterlesen

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Lay: The Chinese as they are

George Tradescant Lay: The Chinese as they are: their moral and social character, manners, customs, language : with remarks on their arts and sciences, medical skill, the extent of missionary enterprise, etc.  (London: Ball 1841) Digitized: > Internet Archive (Book … Weiterlesen

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Blaeu: Asia, quae est Geographiae blavianae pars quarta, libri duo, volumen decimum

Joan Blaeu: Asia, quæ est Geographiæ blavianæ pars quarta, libri duo, volumen decimum. (Amstelædami: labore & sumptibus Ioannis Blaeu 1662) Digitized: Universidad de Granada [permalink] Bibliographic reference: BS 182 Entry in Wiener China-Bibliographie This is volume 10 of the 1662 … Weiterlesen

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