Schlagwort-Archive: literature

Hau Kiou Choaan. Histoire chinoise.

The 好逑傳 [Haoqiuzhuan], „The Fortunate Union“ is considered the first Chinese novel translated into European languages. See James St. André: Modern translation theory and past translation practice: European translations of the Hao qiu zhuan‘, Chung-wai Literary Monthly 29, no. 5 … Weiterlesen

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Allen: Early Chinese History. Are the Chinese Classics forged

Herbert J. [James] Allen: Early Chinese History: Are the Chinese Classics Forged? (London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge/New York: E. S. Gorham et al. 1906) Digitized: > Internet Archive (Book contributor: Robarts – University of Toronto, digitizing sponsor: MSN) > … Weiterlesen

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Klaproth: Archiv für asiatische Litteratur

Heinrich Julius Klaproth: Archiv für asiatische Litteratur, Geschichte und Sprachkunde. Erster Band. Herausgegeben auf Befehl der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften (St. Petersburg: im akademischen Verlage, 1810). Bibliographic reference: Löwendahl vol. 2, p. 59 f. (no. 746) Digitized: > Google Books … Weiterlesen

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Julien: Hoeï-lan-ki, ou l’histoire du cercle de craie

Stanislas Julien: 灰闌記 Hoeï-lan-ki, ou l’histoire du cercle de craie, drame en prose et en vers, traduit du chinois et accompagné de notes (London: Printed for the Oriental Translation Fund of Great Britain and Ireland, 1832). Bibliographic reference: BS col. … Weiterlesen

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Weston: Fragments of oriental literature

Stephen Weston: Fragments of oriental literature, with an outline of a painting on a curious China-vase (London: Printed for the author, 1807) Bibliographic reference: BS col. 1565 and 1799; Löwendahl no. 737 Digitized: > Internet Archive (Book contributor: Cornell University … Weiterlesen

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Biot: Le Tcheou-Li

[Édouard Biot]Le Tcheou-li, ou rites des Tcheou traduit pour la première fois du Chinois par feu Édouard Biot, 2 vols (Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1851) Bibliographic reference: BS col. 1408 Digitized: > vol. 1 and 2: Gallica (both volumes) vol. 1: … Weiterlesen

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Wylie: Notes on Chinese Literature

A. [Alexander] Wylie: Notes on Chinese literature : with introductory remarks on the progressive advancement of the art ; and a list of translations from the Chinese into various European languages (Shanghae: American Presbyterian Mission Press/London: Trübner und Co. 1867) … Weiterlesen

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Davis: The Fortunate Union

John Francis Davis (trans.): The Fortunate Union, a romance, translated from the Chinese original, with notes and illustrations. To which is added, a Chinese tragedy, 2 vols. (London: Printed for the Oriental Translation Fund, 1829) Bibliographic reference: BS col. 1756; … Weiterlesen

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Davis: Hien Wun Shoo. Chinese moral maxims

John Francis Davis (comp.) :  賢文書 Hien Wun Shoo. Chinese moral maxims, with a free and verbal translations; affording examples of the grammatical structure of the language (London: John Murray | Macao, China: Printed at the Honorable Company’s Press, 1823). … Weiterlesen

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Wahl: Allgemeine Geschichte der morgenländischen Sprachen

Samuel Friedrich Günther Wahl: Allgemeine Geschichte der morgenländischen Sprachen und Litteratur worinnen von Sprache und Litteratur der Armener, der Egypter und Kopten, der Araber, der Phönicier und Ebräer, der Aethiopier, Syrer, Samaritaner, und Chaldäer, auch der Sineser, der ostindischen Völker, … Weiterlesen

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