Happart/Medhurst (ed.): Dictionary of the Favorlang dialect of the Formosan language

[Gilbertus Happart:] Dictionary of the Favorlang dialect of the Formosan language, tr. by W.H. Medhurst (Batavia: Pritned at Parapattan 1840)

  • Digitized:
    > Google Books (Original from Oxford University, digitized 27 October 2006)
    > Internet Archive (Book from the collections of: Oxford University. digitizing sponsor: Google)
  • Bibliographic reference: BS 292 (with details on contents)
  • No copy listed in Wiener Chinabibliographie

Favorlang is an extinct Formosan language closely related to Babuza or a dialect of Barbuza.

Happart’s original work (written in mid-17th century) was published as „Woord-Boek der Favorlangsche taal, waarin het Favorlangs voor, het Duits achter gestelt is.“ In Verhandelingen van het Bataviansch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen  Vol. 18 (1842) 31-351.

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