Loti: Les derniers jours de Pékin

Pierre Loti: Les derniers jours de Pékin (Paris: Calmann-Lévy (Paris: Calmann-Levy[1901])

Pierre Loti/Myrta Leonora Jones (transl.): The last days of Pekin (Boston: Little, Brown and Company 1902)

  • Digitized:
    > Internet Archive (Book contributor & digitizing sponsor: The Library of Congress)
    > Internet Archive (Book contributor: Cornell University Library, digitizing sponsor: MSN)
    > Internet Archive (Book contributor & digitizing sponsor: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
    > Internet Archive (Book contributor: Harold B. Lee Library, digitizing sponsor: Brigham Young University)

Pierre Loti (pseudonym of Julien Viaud, 1850–1923), a French novelist and naval officer, came to China in fall 1900 as part of the international expedition to fight the Yihetuan-Movement. He described what he saw in Beijing after  the siege.

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