John Francis Davis: The Chinese

John Francis Davis: The Chinese: A general description of the Empire of China and its inhabitants, 2 vols. (London: Charles Knight, 1836).

  • Bibliographic reference: BS col. 71 f., Lust no. 8 (vol. 1 only); Löwendahl vol. 2, p. 127-129  (no. 912) with extensive quotations from Davis‘ description of the Chinese method of printing)
  • Digitized:
    • vol. 1:
      > Google Books (book contributor: New York Public Library; digitized: 24 August 2005)
    • vol. 2:
      > Internet Archive (digitizing sponsor: Google Books; book contributor: New York Public Library)
  • Entry in Wiener China-Bibliographie

Further editions:

1836 (American edition):
2 vols. New-York: Harper & Brothers

  • Bibliographic reference: BS col. 72
  • Digitized:
    • vol. 1:
      > BSB
      > HATHI Trust (digitizing sponsor: Internet Archive; book contributor: University of California Libraries)
    • vol. 2:
      > BSB
      > HATHI Trust (digitizing sponsor: Internet Archive; book contributor: University of California Libraries)

The Chinese: A general description of China and its inhabitants. A new edition, enlarged and revised, in which the story of English intercourse is brought up to the present time
2 vols., London: Charles Knight

  • Bibliographic reference: BS col. 72
  • Digitized:
    • vol. 1: Google Books (book contributor: Stanford University Libraries)
    • vol. 2: HATHI Trust (digitizing sponsor: Google books; book contributor: University of Michigan); copy bears additional line: „The Library of entertaining Knowledge“
  • Entry in Wiener China-Bibliographie

1844: 3 vols + supplement
The Chinese : a general description of China and its inhabitants. New ed., enlarged and rev. (London: Knight)

1857: 2 vols., London: John Murray
under the title: China: A general description of that empire and its inhabitants; with the history of foreign intercourse down to the events which produced the dissolution of 1857

  • Bibliographic reference: BS col. 72
  • Digitized:
    • vol. 1:
      > HATHI Trust (digitizing sponor: Internet Archive; book contributor: University of California Libraries)
      > Google Books (book contributor: Harvard University; digitized: 17 March 2009)
      > HATHI Trust (digitizing sponsor: Google; book contributor: University of California Libraries)
    • vol. 2:
      > HATHI Trust (digitizing sponsor: Internet Archive; book contributor: University of California Libraries)
      > HATHI Trust (digitizing sponsor: Google; book contributor: University of California Libraries)

For French, Dutch and  German translations of the work see BS col. 72 f.

German versions:
John Francis Davis:China oder allgemeine Beschreibung der Sitten, Gebräuche, Regierungsverfassung … der Chinesen F. Davis. Deutsch von F. Wesenfeld. Second edition (Magdeburg: Falckenberg 1843)

John F. Davis: China und die Chinesen: eine allgemeine Beschreibung von China und dessen Bewohnern.  (Stuttgart: Expedition der Wochenbd. 1847-1848)

French versions:
John F. Davis/Auguste Pichard (transl.)/Antoine Pierre Louis Bazin:] La Chine : ou description générale des moeurs et des coutumes, du gouvernement, des lois, des religions, des sciences, de la littérature, des productions naturelles, des arts, des manufactures et du commerce de l’Empire chinois par J. F. Davis. Ouvrage traduit de l’anglais par A. Pichard. Revue et augmenté d’un appendice par Bazin Aîné (Paris: Librairie de Paulin 1837)

John F. Davis: La Chine ou description générale des moeurs et des coutumes, du gouvernement, des lois … de l’empire Chinois. Ouvrage trad. de l’anglais par A[uguste] Pichard. Rev. et augmenté d’un app. par [Antoine] Bazin aîné (Bruxelles, Hauman 1838)

Of other editions no digitizied versions have been located so far.

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