Gaubil: Histoire de Gentchiscan

Histoire de Gentchiscan et de toute la dinastie des Mongous ses successeurs, conquérans de la Chine; tirée de l’histoire chinoise. Et traduite par le R. P. Gaubil de la Compagnie de Jesus, Missionnaire à Péking (Paris: Briasson et Piget 1739)

  • Bibliographical reference:  BS 2767, Löwendahl, vol. 1, p. 190 f. (no. 411)
  • Digitized: Google Books (provenance: Ghent University, digitized: 7 november 2008)
  • Entry in Wiener China-Bibliographie

According to Löwendahl apparently „a translation of the first ten chapters of the annals of the history of the Yuan Dynasty of Yuanshi leibian, completed by Shao Yuanping in 1699″. The translation was made by Antoine Gaubil SJ (1689-1759)

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