Felice Beato: Album of Photographic Views in China

Felice Beato (1833 [?]-1907[?]) was one of the first photographers who took pictures in East Asia and an early war photographer. In his portfolio are key images of events such as the Indian Rebellion (1857) and the Second Opium War. (Terry Bennett: History of Photography in China, 1842-1860 (London: Bernard Quaritch Ltd., 2009)

Felice Beato: Album of Photographic Views in China (s. l., s. d.) [Album of 21 photographs taken in the time when British and French forces invaded China during the Second Opium War]

Album of photographs taken during the Second Opium War, contains photographs of Peking and Dagu [Taku] 大沽 Forts just after the battle, of Hongkong, Guangzhou/Canton and its surroundings.

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