Schlagwort-Archive: W

Webb: An historical essay endeavoring a probability that the language of the Empire of China is the primitive language

John Webb: The Antiquity of China or an historical essay: endeavouring a probability that the language of the empire of China is the primitive language, spoken through the whole word, before the confusion of Babel (London: Brook 1669) Digitized: > … Weiterlesen

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Whyte: A land journey from Asia to Europe

William Athenry Whyte: A land journey from Asia to Europe; Being an account of a camel and sledge journey from Canton to St. Petersburg through the plains of Mongolia and Siberia (London: Sampson Low, Son, and Marston, 1871). Digitized: Internet … Weiterlesen

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Wade/Hiller: Yü Yen Tzu Erh Chi

T. F. Wade/Walter Caine Hiller: Yü Yen Tzu Erh Chi, a progressive course designed to assist the student of colloquial Chinese as spoken in the capital and the metropolitan department (Shanghai et al.: Kelly and Walsh 1908) Digitized: > vol. … Weiterlesen

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Wahl: Allgemeine Geschichte der morgenländischen Sprachen

Samuel Friedrich Günther Wahl: Allgemeine Geschichte der morgenländischen Sprachen und Litteratur worinnen von Sprache und Litteratur der Armener, der Egypter und Kopten, der Araber, der Phönicier und Ebräer, der Aethiopier, Syrer, Samaritaner, und Chaldäer, auch der Sineser, der ostindischen Völker, … Weiterlesen

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Winterhalder: Kämpfe in China

Theodor Ritter von Winterhalder: Kämpfe in China. Eine Darstellung der Wirren und der Beteiligung von Österreich-Ungarns Seemacht an ihrer Niederwerfung in den Jahren 1900-1901 (Wien/Budapest: A. Hartleben, 1902). Bibliographic reference: BS col. 2598 Digitized: Internet Archive (digitizing sponsor: Google; book … Weiterlesen

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Watters: Essays on the Chinese Language

Thomas Watters: Essays on the Chinese Language (Shanghai: Presbyterian Mission Press, 1889) Bibliographic reference: BS col. 1719 Digitized: > Internet Archive (digitizing sponsor: MSN; book contributor: University of California Libraries) > Internet Archive (digitizing sponsor: MSN; book contributor: Cornell University … Weiterlesen

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Ezerman/van Wettum/Schlegel: Alphabetical List of the Chinese and Japanese Emperors

J. L. J. F. Ezerman, B. A. J. van Wettum, Gustaaf Schlegel: Alphabetical List of the Chinese and Japanese emperors (Leyden: Brill 1893) Digitized: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz Entry in Wiener China-Bibliographie

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Allom/Wright: China, in a series of views …

Thomas Allom/G. N. Wright: China, in a series of views, displaying the scenery, architecture and social habits, of that ancient empire. Drawn … by Thomas Allom. esq. With descriptive notices by … G. N. Wright … (London, Fisher. son. & … Weiterlesen

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Winterbotham: An historical, geographical, and philosophical view of the Chinese empire

William Winterbotham: An historical, geographical, and philosophical view of the Chinese empire; comprehending a description of the fifteen provinces of China, Chinese Tartary, tsibutary states; natural History of China; government, religion, laws, manners and customs, literature, arts, sciences, manufactures, &c. … Weiterlesen

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Wereschtschagin: Russische Truppen und Offiziere in China

Alexander W. Wereschtschagin: Russische Truppen und Offiziere in China in den Jahren 1901 und 1902 […] Deutsch von Ullrich (Mülheim am Rhein: Verlag von C. G. Künstler Wwe., 1903) Digitized: SBB-PK Entry in Wiener China-Bibliographie

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