Schlagwort-Archive: trade

Herrmann: Die Verkehrswege zwischen China, Indien und Rom um 100 nach Chr. Geb.

Albert Herrmann: Die Verkehrswege zwischen China, Indien und Rom um 100 nach Chr. Geb. Originalkarte in Zweifarbendruck mit erläuterndem Text (= Veröffentlichungen des Forschungsinstituts für Vergleichende Religionsgeschichte an der Universität Leipzig: Reihe 1; 7, Leipzig: Hinrichs 1922) Digitized:  (DOI: doi:10.11588/diglit.29987, … Weiterlesen

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Assey: On the Trade to China, and the Indian Archipelago

Charles Assey: On the Trade to China, and the Indian Archipelago; with observations on the insecurity of the British interests in that quarter. Second edition (London: Printed for Rodwell and Martin, 1819) Bibliographic reference: BS col. 4119 Digitized: Google Books … Weiterlesen

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Cramer: Borts Voyagie, naer de Kuste van China en Formosa

[Matthijs Cramer:] Borts voyagie, naer de kuste van China en Formosa. By een gestelt, en Beijmt door Matthijs Cramer (Amsterdam: Gedruckt by Pieter Dircksz. Boeteman … voor den autheur 1670) Digitized: > Google Books (Original von National Library of the … Weiterlesen

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Thompson: Considerations respecting the trade with China

Joseph Thompson: Considerations respecting the trade with China (London: Wm. H. Allen 1835) Digitized: > Internet Archive (Book digitized by Google from the library of Oxford University) > Google Books (Original from Oxford University, digitized 7 April 2006) Bibliographic reference: … Weiterlesen

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Morrison: A Chinese commercial guide …

John Robert Morrison:  A Chinese commercial guide, consisting of a collection of details respecting foreign trade in China (Canton: Printed at the Albion Press 1834) Digitized: > HATHI Trust (original from Cornell University) Bibliographic reference: BS 2177 No copy listed … Weiterlesen

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Blancard: Manuel du commerce des Indes Orientales et de la Chine

Pierre Blancard: Manuel du commerce des Indes Orientales et de la Chine (Paris: Bernard/Bordeaux: Bergeret/Marseille: Sube et Laporte 1806) Digitized: > Google Books (Original from Lyon Public Library, digitized 3 August 2011) Bibliographic reference: BS 2175 No copy listed in … Weiterlesen

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Medhurst: A Glance at the Interior of China

Walter Henry Medhurst: A Glance at the Interior of China, obtained during a journey through the silk and green tea countries (London: John Snow, 1850) Bibliographic reference: BS col. 2117 f. Digitized: HATHI Trust (digitizing sponsor: Google; book contributor: Cornell … Weiterlesen

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Davis: Two Edicts from the Hoppo of Canton to the Hong Merchants

John Francis Davis: Two Edicts from the Hoppo of Canton to the Hong Merchants. In: Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol. 1, No. 2 (1826) 541-544 . Digitized: > Internet Archive (Book contirbutr: JSTOR) … Weiterlesen

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França: Macau e os seus habitantes

Bento da França: Macau e os seus habitantes. Relações com Timor (Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional, 1897) Digitized: Internet Archive (digitizing sponsor: Google; book contributor: Harvard University) No copy listed in Wiener China-Bibliographie

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Walree: Economic relations of the Netherlands Indies with other Far Eastern countries

E.D. van Walree: Economic relations of the Netherlands Indies with other Far Eastern countries ([Amsterdam] : National Council for the Netherlands and the Netherlands Indies of the Institute of Pacific Relations [1935]) Digitized: | Koninklijke Bibliotheek  Bibliographic reference: – … Weiterlesen

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