John Robert Morrison: A Chinese commercial guide, consisting of a collection of details respecting foreign trade in China (Canton: Printed at the Albion Press 1834)
- Digitized:
> HATHI Trust (original from Cornell University) - Bibliographic reference: BS 2177
- No copy listed in Wiener China-Bibliographie
John Robert Morrison/S. Wells Williams: A Chinese commercial guide. Second ed. (Macao: S. W. Williams 1844)
- Digitized:
> HATHI Trust (original from University of Minnesota) - Bibliographic reference: BS 2177
- No copy listed in Wiener China-Bibliographie
John Robert Morrison: Chinese commercial guide : consisting of a collection of details and regulations respecting foreign trade with China. Third edition. (Canton: Printed at the Office of the Chinese Repository 1848)
- Digitized: HATHI Trust (original from Cornell University)
- Bibliographic reference: BS 2177
- No copy listed in Wiener China-Bibliographie
S. Wells Williams: A Chinese commercial guide, consisting of a collection of details and regulations respecting foreign trade with China, sailing directions, tables, &c. [46h ed., rev. and enl.] (Canton: Printed at the Office of the Chinese Repository 1856)
- Digitized:
> HATHI Trust (original from New York Public Library)
> Internet Archive (Book contributor Kelly – University of Toronto, digitizing sponsor MSN) - Bibliographic reference: BS 2177
- No copy listed in Wiener China-Bibliographie