Schlagwort-Archive: language

Poletti: A Chinese and English dictionary

Pietro Poletti: A Chinese and English dictionary : arranged according to radicals and sub-radicals (Shanghai: Printed at the American Presbyterian Mission Press 1907) Digitized: Internet Archive (provenance:  University of California Libraries, digitizing sponsor: Internet Archive) Entry in Wiener China-Bibliographie

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Rémusat: Élémens de la grammaire chinoise

Jean Pierre Abel Rémusat: Élémens de la grammaire chinoise, ou principes généraux du Kou-wen ou style antique, et du Kouan-hoa, c’est-à-dire, de la langue commune généralement usitée dans l’empire chinois (Paris: Imprimerie royale, 1822). Bibliographic reference: BS col. 1662; Lust … Weiterlesen

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Rémusat: Plan d’un dictionnaire chinois …

J.-P. Abel Rémusat: Plan d’un dictionnaire chinois, avec des notices de plusieurs dictionnaires chinois manuscrits … (Paris: Pillet 1814) Digitized: > gallica > Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (URN: urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb10572639-7) > Google Books (Original from Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, digitized 7 January 2011) Bibliographic reference: … Weiterlesen

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Maclay/Baldwin: An alphabetic dictionary of the Chinese language in the Foochow dialect

Robert Samuel Maclay/C. C. Baldwin: An alphabetic dictionary of the Chinese language in the Foochow dialect (Foochow: Methodist Episcopal Mission Press 1870) Digitized: Internet Archive (provenance: University of California Libraries, digitizing sponsor: MSN) Bibliographic reference: BS 1604 Entry in Wiener … Weiterlesen

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Lobscheid: An English and Chinese dictionary

William Lobscheid: An English and Chinese dictionary, with the Punti and Mandarin pronounciation ([4 volumes] Hongkong: Daily Press 1866-1869) Digitized Part 1 (1866) > Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (URN: urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb10495535-5) [title page not in digital object] > Google Books (Original from Bayerische … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter, BSB, digital, Google Books, HATHI Trust | Verschlagwortet mit , , , , | Kommentare deaktiviert für Lobscheid: An English and Chinese dictionary

Rémusat: Recherches sur les langues tartares

Jean Pierre Abel Rémusat: Recherches sur les langues tartares, ou mémoires sur différens points de la grammaire et de la littérature des Mandchous, des Mongols, des Ouigours et des Tibetains (Paris: Imprimerie royale, 1820). Bibliographic reference: BS col. 2718; Lust … Weiterlesen

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Schott: Versuch über die Tatarischen Sprachen

Wilhelm Schott: Versuch über die Tatarischen Sprachen (Berlin: Veit, 1836) Bibliographic reference: BS col. 2718; Löwendahl vol. 2, p. 132  (no. 916) Digitized: Google Books (book contributor: Ghent University; digitized: 21 April 2008) Entry in Wiener China-Bibliographie On Schott (1802-1889) … Weiterlesen

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Summers: A handbook of the Chinese Language

James Summers: A handbook of the Chinese language. Parts I and II, grammar and chrestomathy, prepared with a view to initiate the student of Chinese in the rudiments of this language, and to supply materials for his early studies.  (Oxford: … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter, Bodleian, HATHI Trust | Verschlagwortet mit , , , | Kommentare deaktiviert für Summers: A handbook of the Chinese Language

Chrestomathie chinoise

Chrestomathie chinoise, publiée aux frais de la Société Asiatique (Paris: Cassin et Dondey-Dupré […], 1833). Bibliographic reference: BS col. 1683, Löwendahl, vol. 2, p. 116 (no. 890; including a list of contents of the Chrestomathie). Digitized: Google Books (provenance: Harvard … Weiterlesen

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Klaproth: Asia polyglotta

Julius von Klaproth: Asia polyglotta (Paris: Schubart 1823) Digitized: Google Books (provenance: Harvard University) Entry in Wiener China-Bibliographie Bibliographic reference: BS 1579 Review: ALZ 1824 (Nr. 24, Nr. 25, Nr. 26) The Sprachatlas. which was published as a separate volume has … Weiterlesen

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