Schlagwort-Archive: language
Edkins: A grammar of the Chinese colloquial language commonly called the Mandarin dialect
Joseph Edkins: A grammar of the Chinese colloquial language commonly called the Mandarin dialect ([2nd ed.] Shanghai: Presbyterian Mission Press 1864) Digitized: > HATHI Trust (original from University of California) > Internet Archive (Book contributor: University of California Libraries, digitizing … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter, digital, HATHI Trust
Verschlagwortet mit 19c, E, grammar, language
Kommentare deaktiviert für Edkins: A grammar of the Chinese colloquial language commonly called the Mandarin dialect
Wylie: Translation of the Ts’ing wan k’e mung
A. [Alexander] Wylie (tr.): Translation of the Ts’ing wan k’e mung, a Chinese Grammar of the Manchu Tartar Language; with introductory notes on Manchu Literature: (Shanghai: London Mission Press 1855) Digitized: > Internet Archive (Book contributor & digitizing sponsor: The … Weiterlesen
Doolittle: Vocabulary and hand-book of the Chinese language. Romanized in the Mandarin dialect
Justus Doolittle: Vocabulary and hand-book of the Chinese language. Romanized in the Mandarin dialect (Foochow: Rozario, Marcal and company 1872) Digitized: Internet Archive > Volume 1 > Volume 2 Bibliographic reference: BS 1610 Entry in Wiener China-Bibliographie
Veröffentlicht unter, digital
Verschlagwortet mit 19c, D, dictionary, language
Kommentare deaktiviert für Doolittle: Vocabulary and hand-book of the Chinese language. Romanized in the Mandarin dialect
Gonçalves: Diccionario portuguez-china no estilo vulgar mandarim e classico geral
Joaquim Affonso Gonçalves: Diccionario portuguez-china no estilo vulgar mandarim e classico geral (Macao: Impresso no Real collegio de S. José 1831) Digitized: > Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (URN: urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb10522381-6) > HATHI Trust (original from Columbia University) > Google Books (original from Harvard … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter BSB, digital, Google Books, HATHI Trust, UCM
Verschlagwortet mit 19c, dictionary, G, language
Kommentare deaktiviert für Gonçalves: Diccionario portuguez-china no estilo vulgar mandarim e classico geral
Gonçalves: Arte china constante de alphabeto e grammatica comprehendendo modelos das differentes composiçones
Joaquim Affonso Gonçalves: Arte china constante de alphabeto e grammatica comprehendendo modelos das differentes composiçones (Macao: Real Collegio de S. José 1829) Digitied: > Internet Archive (Book contributor: Harvard University, digitizing sponsor: Google) > Google Books (orginal from Harvard University, … Weiterlesen
Julien: Exercices pratiques d’analyse, de syntaxe et de lexicographie chinoise
Stanislas Julien: Exercices pratiques d’analyse, de syntaxe et de lexicographie chinoise… (Paris: B. Duprat 1842) Digitized: gallica Bibliographic references: BS 1732, JL 1016 Entry in Wiener China-Bibliographie
Webb: An historical essay endeavoring a probability that the language of the Empire of China is the primitive language
John Webb: The Antiquity of China or an historical essay: endeavouring a probability that the language of the empire of China is the primitive language, spoken through the whole word, before the confusion of Babel (London: Brook 1669) Digitized: > … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter BSB, digital, Google Books, Not in WCB
Verschlagwortet mit 17c, grammar, language, W
Kommentare deaktiviert für Webb: An historical essay endeavoring a probability that the language of the Empire of China is the primitive language
Orientalisch- und Occidentalischer Sprachmeister
Orientalisch- und Occidentalischer Sprachmeister, Welcher nicht allein hundert Alphabete nebst ihrer Aussprache, So bey denen meisten Europäisch- Asiatisch- Africanisch- und Americanischen Völckern und Nationen gebräuchlich sind, Auch einigen Tabulis Polyglottis verschiedenen Sprachen und Zahlen vor Augen leget, Sondern auch das … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter, digital, Google Books, ONB
Verschlagwortet mit 18c, F, language, S, writing
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Amaduzzi/Beligatti: Alphabetum Tangutanum sive Tibetanum
[Congregatio de Propagande Fide]/Giovanni Cristoforo Amaduzzi/Cassiano Beligatti: Alphabetum Tangutanum sive Tibetanum (Romae : typis Sac. Congreg. de Propag. Fide, 1773) Digitized: > Open Access LMU URN: urn:nbn:de:bvb:19-epub-10777-8 > Google Books (original from Ghent University, digitizing sponsor: Google, digitized 21 april 2008) Bibliographic … Weiterlesen
Zottoli: Cursus litteraturae sinicae (1879)
Angelo Zottoli: Cursus litteraturæ sinicæ: neo-missionariis accommodatus (Tou-sè-wè: Ex Typographia Missionis Catholicæ inorphanotrophio Tou-sè-wè 1879) Digitized: > Internet Archive (book from the collection of New York Public Library, digitizing sponsor: Google) > Internet Archive (1880 edition; book from the collection of … Weiterlesen