Schlagwort-Archive: language

Karlgren: A mandarin phonetic reader in the Pekinese dialect

Bernhard Karlgren: A mandarin phonetic reader in the Pekinese dialect. Archive d’études orientales 18 (Stockholm: K. B. Norstedt & Söner 1918) Digitized: Internet Archive (Book contributor: Cornell University Library, digitizing sponsor: MSN) Entry in Wiener China-Bibliographie

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Stent: A Chinese and English Vocabulary

George Carter Stent: A Chinese and English Vocabulary in the Pekinese Dialect (Shanghai: Printed and published at the Customs Press, 1871) Bibliographic reference: BS col. 1609 Digitized: > Internet Archive (digitizing sponsor: Google; book contributor: University of California) > Bayerische … Weiterlesen

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Summers: The Rudiments of the Chinese Language

James Summers: The Rudiments of the Chinese Language: With Dialogues, Exercises, and a Vocabulary (London: B. Quaritch 1864) Digitized: Internet Archive (Book from the collections of Stanford University, digitizing sponsor: Google) Bibliographic reference: BS 1674 Entry in Wiener China-Bibliographie

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Pétillon: Allusions littéraires

Corentin Pétillon: Allusions littéraires  (Chang-hai: Imprimerie de la Mission Catholique, 1895-1898). Bibliographic reference: BS col. 857 f. Digitized: First Part, classifiers 1-100 (Variétés sinologiques no. 8, 1895) Gallica Second Part, classifiers 102-213 (Variétés sinologiques no. 13, 1898) Gallica Entry in … Weiterlesen

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Rochet: Manuel pratique de la langue chinoise vulgaire

Louis Rochet: Manuel pratique de la langue chinoise vulgaire (Paris: Marcellin Le Grand 1846) Digitized > HATHI Trust (original from Columbia University) > Université Lausanne (digitizing sponsor: Google) > Google Books (original from Lausanne University, digitized 9 april 2008) > … Weiterlesen

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Couvreur: Choix de documents

S[éraphin] Couvreur: Choix de documents, lettres officielles, proclamations, édits, mémoriaux, inscriptions … Texte chinois avec traduction en français et en Latin, Quatrième édition (Ho kien fou: Imprimerie de la Mission Catholique, 1906) Bibliographic reference: BS 1696 f. (refers to the … Weiterlesen

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Kircher: China monumentis … illustrata

[Athanasius Kircher:]  Athanasii Kircheri E Soc. Jesu China Monumentis, Qua Sacris quà Profanis, Nec non variis Naturæ & Artis Spectaculis, Aliarumque rerum memorabilium Argumentis Illustrata, auspiciis Leopold Primi, Roman, Imper. semper Augusti, Munificentißimi Mecænatis (Amstelodami : Janssonius a Waesberge ; … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter BVPB, digital, Doshisha,, ECHO, gallica, Google Books, UB Heidelberg, UCM, Universidad de Sevilla, UUtah, UWDC, WDB, РГБ | Verschlagwortet mit , , , , , , | 2 Kommentare

Giles: Chinese without a teacher

Herbert A. Giles: Chinese without a teacher. Being a collection of easy and useful sentences in the Mandarin dialect. With a vocabulary (Shanghai: Carvalho, 1872) Bibliographic reference: BS col. 1645 Digitized: Internet Archive (digitizing sponsor: MSN; book contributor: University of … Weiterlesen

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Morrison: A Dictionary of the Chinese Language

Robert Morrison: A Dictionary of the Chinese Language, in three Parts. Part the First; containing Chinese and English, arranged according to the Radicals; Part the Second, Chinese and English, arranged alphabetically; and Part the Third, English and Chinese. (London: Pub. … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter, BSB, digital, HATHI Trust | Verschlagwortet mit , , , , | Ein Kommentar

Morgan: A guide to Wenli styles and Chinese ideals …

Evan Morgan: A guide to Wenli styles and Chinese ideals; essays, edicts, proclamations, memorials, letters, documents, inscriptions, commercial papers, Chinese text with English translation and notes (Shanghai: Christian Literature Society for China 1912) Digitized > Internet Archive (Book contributor: University … Weiterlesen

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