Schlagwort-Archive: language
Perny: Dictionnaire français-latin-chinois de la langue mandarine parlée
Paul Hubert Perny: Dictionnaire français-latin-chinois de la langue mandarine parlée … (Paris: Firmin Didot frères, fils et cie. 1869) Digitized: > Google Books (Original from Columbia University, digitized 17 February 2009) Bibliographic reference: BS 1609. Review: Les missions catholiques françaises, t … Weiterlesen
Poletti: A glossary of the principal terms and words occuring in postal documents
F. Poletti: A glossary of the principal terms and words occuring in postal documents (Peking: Bureau of Engraving and Writing 1919) Digitized: Internet Archive (Book contributor: University of California Libraries, digitizing sponsor: MSN) No copy listed in Wiener China-Bibliographie
Veröffentlicht unter, digital, Not in WCB
Verschlagwortet mit 20c, language, lexicography, P, postal service
Kommentare deaktiviert für Poletti: A glossary of the principal terms and words occuring in postal documents
Schmidt: Grammatik der tibetischen Sprache
Isaak Jakob Schmidt: Grammatik der tibetischen Sprache (St. Petersburg: Gräff/Leipzig: Voss 1839) Digitized: > HATHI Trust (Original from University of Michigan) > Google Books (Original from University of Michigan, digitized 8 March 2007) > Google Books (Original from Harvard University, … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter digital, Google Books, HATHI Trust
Verschlagwortet mit 19c, grammar, language, S, Tibetan
Kommentare deaktiviert für Schmidt: Grammatik der tibetischen Sprache
Rautenbach: Die Chinesische Sprache in ihren Rechten als Sprache
Emil Rautenbach: Die Chinesische Sprache in ihren Rechten als Sprache (Darmstadt: Pabst 1835) Digitized: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (URN: urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb10572638-7, shelfmark: 412 n) Bibliographic reference: BS 1714, Lust 1000, Löwendahl 0907 Entry in Wiener China-Bibliographie
Klaproth: Chrestomathie mandchou
J. Klaproth: Chrestomathie mandchou, ou recueil de textes mandchou, destiné aux personnes qui veulent s’occuper de l’étude de cette langue (Paris: Imprimerie royale, 1828) Bibliographic reference: BS col. 2755, Lust no. 1074, Löwendahl, vol. 2, p. 302 f. (no. 1528) … Weiterlesen
Kaulen: Linguae mandshuricae institutiones quas conscripsit …
Franz Kaulen: Linguæ mandshuricæ institutiones quas conscripsit, indicibus ornavit chrestomathia et vocabulario auxit (Ratisbonae [Regensburg]: G.J. Manz, 1856) Digitized: > Google Books (Original from Columbia University, digitized 18 February 2010) > HATHI Trust (Original from Columbia University) Bibliographic reference: BS 2757 … Weiterlesen
Douglas: A Chinese Manual
Robert Kennaway Douglas: A Chinese manual, comprising a condensed grammar with idiomatic phrases and dialogues (London: W. H. Allan & Son 1889) Bibliographic reference: BS 1703 Entry in Wiener China-Bibliographie Robert Kennaway Douglas: A Chinese manual, comprising a condensed grammar … Weiterlesen
Volpicelli: Chinese phonology …
Zenone Volpicelli: Chinese phonology. An attempt to discover the sounds of the ancient language and to recover the lost rhymes of China (Shanghai: Printed at the China Gazette Office 1896) Digitized: Internet Archive (Book contributor: Cornell University Library, digitizing sponsor: MSN) … Weiterlesen
van Oost: Dictons et Proverbes des Chinois habitant la Mongolie Sud-Ouest
Joseph van Oost: Dictons et Proverbes des Chinois habitant la Mongolie Sud-Ouest (Variétés Sinologiques no. 50 (Zi-ka-wei près Chang-hai: Imprimerie de l’Orphelinat de T’ou-sè-wè, 1918) Bibliographic reference: BS col. 3571 Digitized: Gallica Entry in Wiener China-Bibliographie
Csoma: A grammar of the Tibetan language
A grammar of the Tibetan language, in English. Prepared, under the patronage of the Government and the auspices of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, by Alexander Csoma de Kőrös, Siculo-Hungarian of Transylvania (Calcutta: Printed at the Mission Press, Circular Road, … Weiterlesen