Schlagwort-Archive: C

Cordier: L’imprimerie sino-européenne en Chine

Henri Cordier: L’imprimerie sino-européenne en Chine: bibliographie des ouvrages publiés en Chine par les Européens au XVIIe et au XVIIIe siècle (Paris: E. Leroux 1901) Digitized: gallica Bibliographic reference: BS 1038; BS 1823 Entry in Wiener China-Bibliographie

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Courant: Catalogue des livres chinois

Maurice Courant: Catalogue des livres chinois coréens, japonais, etc. [Bibliothèque Nationale. Département des Manuscrits, 3 vols. (Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1902-1912). Bibliographic reference: BS, col. 1831 and 3950 f. Digitized: vol. 1: Gallica vol. 2: Gallica vol. 3: Gallica Entry in … Weiterlesen

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Gaspar da Cruz: Tractado

Gaspar da Cruz: Tractado em que se co[n]tam muyto por este[n]so as cousas de China  com suas particularidades, e assi do Reyno de Dormuz dirigido ao muyto poderoso rey D. Sebastiam nosso senhor (Évora: Andre de Burgos, 1569). Bibliographic reference:  … Weiterlesen

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Catalogue of Chinese books and manuscripts

James Ludovic Lindsay Earl of Crawford/John Philip Edmond: Bibliotheca Lindesiana: Catalogue of Chinese books and manuscripts (Priv. print. [Aberdeen university press] 1895) Digitized: (provenance: Havard University) Bibliographic reference: 1829-1830 On the astronomer and book collector James Ludovic Lindsay, twenty-sixth … Weiterlesen

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Cartas que os padres …. escreueráo …

[João Soares, Bispo de Coimbra (ed. com.)] Cartas que os padres e irmáos da Companhia de Jesus, que andao nos Reynos de Iapáo escreueráo aos da mesma Companhia da India, e Europa, des do anno de.1549 ate o de.66. Nellas … Weiterlesen

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Coyett: ′t verwaerloosde Formosa

C. E. S., Frederik Coyett: ‚t verwaerloosde Formosa, of Waerachtig verhael, hoedanigh door verwaerloosinge der der Nederlanders in Oost-Indien, het eylant Formosa, van den Chinesen Mandorijn, ende zeeroover Coxinja, overrompelt, vermeestert, ende ontweldight is geworden. Met by-gevoeghde Authentijcke bewijsen. Door C.E.S. … Weiterlesen

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William Coxe: Account of the Russian Discoveries …

William Coxe: Account of the Russian discoveries between Asia and America: to which are added, the conquest of Siberia, and the history of the transactions and commerce between Russia and China (London: Printed for T. Cadell, 1780). Bibliographic reference: Graesse … Weiterlesen

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Cordier: Bibliotheca Sinica

BS 2.0 honours one of the most extensive bibliographies on this topic ever published: The Bibliotheca Sinica by Henri Cordier (1849-1925). Henri Cordier:  Bibliotheca sinica. Dictionnaire bibliographique des ouvrages relatifs à l’Empire chinois (Paris: E. Leroux 1878-1895) [3 vol.] First … Weiterlesen

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