Schlagwort-Archive: B
Brunnert/Hagelstrom: Present day political organization of China
[Ippolit Semenovich Brunnert, V. V. Gagelstrom]: Present day political organization of China. By H.S. Brunnert and V.V. Hagelstrom; rev. by N. Th. Kolessoff ; tr. from the Russian by A. Beltchenko and E.E. Moran (New York : Paragon [s. d., … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter, digital
Verschlagwortet mit 20c, administration, B, H, politics, reference
3 Kommentare
Breitenbauch: Lebensgeschichte des …. Kienlong
The German writer Georg August von Breitenbauch (1731-1817) published this biographical sketch of the Qianlong 乾隆 Emperor (r. 1736-1796) together with notes on the Chinese Empire. Breitenbauch reported the death of the emperor for the year 1786. The Qianlong Emperor … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter digital, GDZ, Google Books
Verschlagwortet mit 18c, B, biography, Qianlong Emperor
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Bouvet: L’Estat Present De La Chine
Joaquim Bouvet: L’Estat Present De La Chine, En Figures : Dedié A Monseigneur Le Duc De Bourgogne [P. Giffart sculp.] (Paris: 1697) Digitized: > gallica > Sammlung: Varia der HAAB Weimar Bibliographic reference: BS 1858 No copy listed in Wiener … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter digital, gallica, HAAB, library
Verschlagwortet mit 17c, B, costume, customs and manners, description, illustrations
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M. Boym: Flora Sinensis
Boym’s Flora Sinensis from 1656 is one of the first (European) natural history books about China. Although the title suggests a book on Chinese plants, the author included some animals and some plants that are not „Chinese“. Boym, Michael: … Weiterlesen