Schlagwort-Archive: B

Bretschneider: Notes on Chinese Mediaeval Travellers to the West

Emil Bretschneider: Notes on Chinese Mediaeval Travellers to the West (London: Trübner & Co. 1875) Digitized: Internet Archive (Book from the collections of Harvard University, digitizing sponsor: Google) Bibliographic reference: BS 2667 f. Entry in Wiener China-Bibliographie

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Burchard: Chinesische Grab-Keramik

Otto Burchard: Chinesische Grab-Keramik (Bibliothek der Kunstgeschichte 30; Leipzig: Seemann, 1922) Digitized: Internet Archive (digitizing sponsor: University of Toronto; book contributor: Robarts – University of Toronto) Entry in Wiener China-Bibliographie

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Bruin: Introduction to modern Chinese

A. G. de Bruin: Introduction to modern Chinese (Leiden: Late E.J. Brill 1914-1917) Digitized: vol. 1: Internet Archive (Book contributor: University of California Libraries,  digitizing sponsor: MSN) vol. 2: [no digital copy located] Entry in Wiener China-Bibliographie

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Buschan (ed.): Illustrierte Völkerkunde

Illustrierte Völkerkunde in zwei Bänden. Unter Mitwirkung von Dr. A. Byhan, Dr. A. Haberlandt, Professor Dr. M. Haberlandt, Dr. R. Heine-Geldern, Dr. W. Krickeberg, Dr. R. Lasch, Professor Dr. W. Volz herausgegeben von Dr. Georg Buschan Dritte Auflage [3rd ed.] … Weiterlesen

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Burchard: Chinesische Kleinplastik

Otto Burchard: Chinesische Kleinplastik (Berlin: Wasmuth, [1922]) Digitized: Internet Archive (digitizing sponsor: University of Toronto; book contributor: Robarts – University of Toronto) Entry in Wiener China-Bibliographie

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Broomhall: Islam in China

Marshall Broomhall: Islam in China: A Neglected Problem (London: Morgan & Scott/London et al.: China Inland Mission 1910) Digitized: Internet Archive ( Book from the collections of Stanford University, digitizing sponsor: Google) Bibliographic reference: BS 3787 Entry in Wiener China-Bibliographie

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Bretschneider: On the knowledge possessed by the ancient Chinese of the Arabs and Arabian colonies

Emil Bretschneider: On the knowledge possessed by the ancient Chinese of the Arabs and Arabian colonies: and other western countries, mentioned in Chinese books (London: Trübner & co. 1871) Digitized: Google Books (Original from Harvard University, digitized 4 October 2005) … Weiterlesen

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Buber: Die Rede, die Lehre und das Lied

Martin Buber: Die Rede, die Lehre und das Lied (Leipzig: Insel-Verlag 1917) Digitized: Internet Archive (Book contributor and digitizing sponsor: University of Connecticut Libraries) Entry in Wiener China-Bibliographie This volume combines the introductory notes to three books : Buber’s Ekstatischen … Weiterlesen

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Bretschneider: Recherches archeologiques et historiques sur Pékin et ses environs

[Emil Vasil’evich Bretschneider/Victor Collin de Plancy (transl.):] Recherches archéologiques et historiques sur Pékin et ses environs par M. le docteur E. Bretschneider ; traduction française par V. Collin de Plancy,… (Publications de l’École des langues orientales vivantes ; 12 ; Paris: … Weiterlesen

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Botero: Le relationi universali, divisi in 4 parti …

For Latin versions see: Botero, Theatrum Principum Orbis Universi For German versions see: Botero: Le relationi universali (German versions) Giovanni Botero: Relationi vniuersali di Giouanni Botero Benese diuise in quattro parti. (In Vicenza : appresso gli heredi di Perin libraro … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter AMS Historica, BSB, Google Books | Verschlagwortet mit , , , , , , | Kommentare deaktiviert für Botero: Le relationi universali, divisi in 4 parti …