Schlagwort-Archive: 19c

Pratt: To the snows of Tibet

Antwerp E. Pratt: To the snows of Tibet through China (London: Longmans, Green, 1892) Bibliographic reference: Jansen I:91 (2.2.2 092) Digitized: Internet Archive (digitizing sponsor: MSN; book contributor: University of California Libraries) No copy listed in Wiener China-Bibliographie

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Mohl: Vingt-sept ans d’histoire des études orientales

Jules Mohl: Vingt-sept ans d’histoire des études orientales. Rapports faits à la Société Asiatique de 1840 à 1867. Ouvrage publié par sa veuve, 2 vols. (Paris: Reinwald, 1879-1880) Bibliographic reference: Jansen I,460 (no. 22.1 013) Digitized: > vol. 1 (1879): … Weiterlesen

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E. L. Hart: Virgil C. Hart. Missionary statesman ….

E. L. Hart: Virgil C. Hart: missionary statesman, founder of the American and Canadian missions in Central and West China (New York: Hodder & Stoughton, 1917) Bibliographic reference: Jansen I,448 (no. 20.1 003) Digitized: Internet Archive (digitizing sponsor: MSN; book … Weiterlesen

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Domville-Fife (Hg.): The Encyclopedia of the British Empire

C. W. Domville-Fife (Hg.): The Encyclopedia of the British Empire. The First Encyclopedic Record of the Greatest Empire in the History of the World (Bristol: Rankin Brothers Ltd., [1924-1925]) Digitized: vol. I: Internet Archive (digitizing sponsor: MSN; book contributor: Robarts … Weiterlesen

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Van Keulen: Plan of the entrance of Aimoey harbour of Chinchew river & c.

Great Britain, Hydrographic office: Plan of the entrance of Aimoey harbour of Chinchew river & c.  from Van Keulen ; Hydrographical Office (London: A. Dalrymple 1792) Digitized: gallica Bibliographic reference: – No copy listed in Wiener China-Bibliographie

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Edmonds: Origin and Progress of the War between England and China

John W. Edmonds: Origin and Progress of the War between England and China. A Lecture. Delivered before the Newburgh Lyceum, Dec. 11, 1841 (New York: Narine & Co., 1841) Bibliographic reference: BS col. 2368 Digitized: HATHI Trust (digitizing sponsor: Google; … Weiterlesen

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Carte générale du globe imprimée à Péking

Carte générale du globe imprimée à Péking (Paris: Carles 1840) Digitized: gallica Bibliographic reference: – No copy listed in Wiener China-Bibliographie

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[Sturgis:] A foreigner’s evidence on the China question

[Robert S. Sturgis:] A foreigner’s evidence on the China question (London: Smith Elder & Co., 1859) Bibliographic reference: BS col. 2375 (refers to the second ed.) Digitized: Google Books (book contributor: British Library; digitized: 16 August 2013) No copy listed … Weiterlesen

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Neue Special-Karte von Korea, Nord-Ost China und Süd Japan

Alwin Herrich: Neue Special-Karte von Korea, Nord-Ost China und Süd Japan. 6. Auflage, mit Plänen der Hauptstädte Seoul, Peking, Tokio, und deren weiteren Umgebungen. (Glogau: C. Fleming 1894) Digitized: gallica Bibliographic reference: – No copy listed in Wiener China-Bibliographie

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Gordon: Remarks on a proposed system of sea transport …

Charles Alexander Gordon: Remarks on a proposed system of sea transport for troops employed in India and China (Serampore 1864) Bibliographic reference: BS col. 2378 Digitized: Google Books (book contributor: British Library; digitized: 3 June 2013) No copy listed in … Weiterlesen

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