Caldwell: A Vindication of the character of the undersigned from the aspersions of Mr. T. Cisholm Anstey

[Daniel Richard Caldwell:] A Vindication of the Character of the Undersigned from the Aspersions of Mr. T. Chisholm Anstey, Ex-attorney General of Hongkong as Contained in His Charges, His Pamphlet, and His Letter to the Secretary of State for the Colonies. By Daniel Richard Caldwell, Registrar general and Protector of Chinese, Hongkong. (Hongkong: Noronha’s office, 1860)

  • Digitized: Google Books (Original from Harvard University, digitized 17 december 2007)
  • Bibliographic reference: BS 2398
  • No copy listed in Wiener China-Bibliographie
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