Linthicum/White: War between Japan and Russia

Richard Linthicum/Trumbull White: War between Japan and Russia: War between Japan and Russia. The complete story of the desperate struggle between two great nations with dominion over the orient as the tremendous prize. Describing and picturing the mighty conflict, the hitherto resistless march of Russian force across Asia, and the advance of Japan into a position of world-power among the nations. With historical and descriptive sketches of Russia, Siberia, Japan, Korea and Manchuria; with Introduction and special Chapters by Trumbull White. With Illustrations (Chicago [?]: Vassant, 1904)

  • Bibliographic reference: BS col. 2616
  • Digitized: Internet Archive (digitizing sponsor: MSN; book contributor: Cornell University Library)
  • No copy listed in Wiener China-Bibliographie
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