[Müller:] Abdallae, cognom. Abu Said, Beidavaei Historia Sinensis …

[Banākatī]/[Andreas Müller:] Abdallae, cognom. Abu Said, Beidavaei Historia Sinensis, Quam Chataicam vocat, Persice ab ipso scripta, & iam Persice e M.S. gemino edita, Latine item reddita, Notisque illustrata (Berlin: Typis Rungianis 1679)

This is the first edition of Abdallae Beidavaei historia sinensis […] accedunt ejusdem notae marginales (1689) and contains a translation of the Ta’riḫ-i-ḫata (cf. Löwendahl 191). Andreas Müller attributed the Ta’riḫ-i-ḫata (Tarikh-i-Khata) to ʿAbdallāh Ibn-ʿUmar al-Baiḍāwī (m. 1292). Emil Bretschneider identified the text as part 8 of the Ta’riḫ-i-Banākatī (1317) by Banākatī (m. d. 730/1329-30) (See: E. Bretschneider, Mediaeval researches from Eastern Asiatic Sources, vol. 1, (1910 [1888]), pp. 196-197, n. 532.)


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