Loureiro: The 100 Years Anglo-Chinese Calendar …

Pedro Loureiro:  The 100 years Anglo-Chinese calendar, 1st Jan. 1776 to 25th Jan. 1876, corresponding with the 11th day of the 11th moon of the 40th year of the reign Kien-lung, to the end of the 14th year of the reign Tung-chi; together with an appendix, containing several interesting tables and extracts. (Shanghai, Printed at the North-China Herald Office 1872)

  • Digitized:
    > Internet Archive (Book contributor: Cornell University Library, digitizing sponsor: MSN)
    > Internet Archive (Book contributor: University of California Libraries, digitizing sponsor: MSN)
    > HATHI Trust (Book from University of California) [B/W]
    > HATHI Trust (Book from University of California) [full colour]
  • Bibliographic reference: BS 568
  • No copy listed in Wiener Chinabibliographie
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