Landon: The Opening of Tibet

Perceval Landon: The opening of Tibet; an account of Lhasa and the country and people of central Tibet and of the progress of the mission sent there by the English government in the year 1903-4 (New York: Doubleday, Page & Co. 1905)

  • Digitized:
    > Internet Archive (Book contributor & digitizing sponsor: Library of Congress)
    > Internet Archive (Book contributor: University of California Libraries, digitizing sponsor: MSN)
    > Internet Archive (Book contributor: Harvard University, digitizing sponsor: Google) [B/W]
    > Internet Archive (Book contributor: New York Public Library, digitizing sponsor: Google) [B/W]

Perceval Landon (1868-1927) was the special correspondent of The Times on the 1903–1904  the British military expedition to Lhasa, Tibet.

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