John Brereton: A briefe and true relation of the discouerie of the north part of Virginia; being a most pleasant, fruitfull and commodious soile: made this present yeere 1602, by Captaine Bartholomew Gosnold, Captaine Bartholowmew [sic] Gilbert, and diuers other gentlemen their associats, by the permission of the honourable knight, Sir Walter Ralegh, &c. Written by M. Iohn Brereton one of the voyage. Whereunto is annexed a treatise, conteining important inducements for the planting in those parts, and finding a passage that way to the South sea, and China. Written by M. Edward Hayes, a gentleman long since imploied in the like action. (Londini : [Printed at Eliot’s Court Press] impensis Geor. Bishop, 1602.)
- Digitized: Bibliographic reference: ESTC Citation No. S106426
John Brereton: A briefe and true relation of the discouerie of the north part of Virginia; being a most pleasant, fruitfull and commodious soile: made this present yeere 1602, by Captaine Bartholomew Gosnold, Captaine Bartholowmew [sic] Gilbert, and diuers other gentlemen their associats, by the permission of the honourable knight, Sir Walter Ralegh, &c. Written by M. Iohn Brereton one of the voyage. Whereunto is annexed a treatise, of M. Edward Hayes, conteining important inducements for the planting in those parts, and finding a passage that way to the South sea, and China. With diuers instructions of speciall moment newly added in this second impression. (London: [Printed at Eliot’s Court Press] impensis Geor. Bishop 1602)
- Bibliographic reference: ESTC Citation No. S122400
John Brereton/Luther Samuel Livingston (ed.): A briefe and true relation of the discouerie of the north part of Virginia (New York: Dodd, Mead & Co. 1903)
- Digitized:
> Internet Archive (Book from the collections of: Harvard University, digitizing sponsor: Google)
> Internet Archvie (Book from the collections of: University of Virginia, digitizing sponsor: Google)
> HATHI Trust (Contributor: University of Virginia)
> HATHI Trust (Contributor: University of Michigan)
> HATHI Trust (Contributor: University of California) - No copy listed in Wiener Chinabibliographie