Baldwin et al.: A short practical narrative of the diseases which prevailed among the American seamen, at Wampoa in China : in the year 1805

William Baldwin; A short practical narrative of the diseases which prevailed among the American seamen, at Wampoa in China : in the year 1805 : with some account of diseases which appeared among the crew of the ship New-Jersey, on the passage from thence, to Philadelphia : submitted as an inaugural dissertation, to the examination of the Rev. J. Andrews …, the Trustees and medical professors of the University of Pennsylvania, on the tenth day of April, 1807 : for the degree of Doctor of Medicine (Philadelphia. Printed by Thomas T. Stiles 1807)

  • Digitized:
    > U.S. National Library of Medicine
    > Internet Archive (Book contributor: U.S. National Library of Medicine, digitizing sponsor: Open Knowledge Commons, U.S. National Library of Medicine)
  • Bibliographic reference: BS 1490
  • No copy listed in Wiener Chinabibliographie
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