Monatsarchive: Juli 2013

Casserly: The Land of the Boxers

Gordon Casserly: The land of the Boxers (London/New York/Bombay: Longmans, Green, and co. 1903) Digitized: Internet Archive (Book contributor: University of California Libraries, digitizing sponsor: MSN) Bibliographic reference: BS 2594 No copy listed in Wiener China-Bibliographie  

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Kent: Railway enterprise in China

Percy Horace Kent: Railway enterprise in China. An account of its origin and development (London: Edward Arnold, 1907) Bibliographic reference: BS col. 4231 Digitized: Internet Archive (digitizing sponsor: University of Toronto; book contributor: Robarts – University of Toronto) No copy … Weiterlesen

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Stone/Reed: Historic Lushan, the Kuling Mountains

Albert Hendrix Stone/J. Hammond Reed: Historic Lushan, the Kuling Mountains (Hankow: Printed at the Arthington Press, Religious Tract Society 1921) Digitized: > Internet Archive (Book contributor: University of California Libraries, digitizing sponsor: MSN) > Internet Archive (book contributor: Cornell University Library; … Weiterlesen

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Poe: Where half the world is waking up

Clarence Hamilton Poe: Where half the world is waking up. The old and the new in Japan, China, the Philippines, and India, reported with special reference to American conditions (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Page and Company, 1911) Digitized: > Internet … Weiterlesen

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Duret: Thresor de l’histoire des langues de cest univers

Claude Duret: Thrésor de l’histoire des Langves de cest Vnivers. Contenant les Origines, Beautés, Perfections, Decadences, Mutations, Changemens, Conuersions, & Ruines des langues Hebraique, Chananeenne; … Chinoise, … Indienne des Terres neuues, &c. Les Langves des Animaux & Oiseaux, par … Weiterlesen

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Chung: The Oriental Policy of the United States

Henry Chung: The Oriental Policy of the United States. With Introductory Note by Jeremiah W. Jenks (New York/Chicago: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1919) Digitized: Internet Archive (digitizing sponsor: MSN; book contributor: Robarts – University of Toronto) No copy listed in … Weiterlesen

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Rosny: Vocabulaire chinois-coréen-aino expliqué en français et précédé d’une introduction sur les écritures de la Chine, de la Corée et de Yéso

Léon de Rosny:  Vocabulaire chinois-coréen-aino expliqué en français et précédé d’une introduction sur les écritures de la Chine, de la Corée et de Yéso (Paris: Maisonneuve et Cie 1861) Digitized: > Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (URN: urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb10572642-0) > Google Books (Original from … Weiterlesen

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Barrows: The Christian Conquest of Asia

John Henry Barrows: The Christian Conquest of Asai. Studies and personal observations of Oriental religions. Being the Morse Lectures of 1898 (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1899) Digitized: > Internet Archive (digitizing sponsor: MSN; book contributor: Princeton Theological Seminary Library) … Weiterlesen

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Western biographical and geographical names in Chinese: Report

Educational Association of China. Committee on Terminology: Western biographical and geographical names in Chinese. Report (Shanghai : American Presbyterian Mission Press 1900) Digitized: Internet Archive (Book contributor: Cornell University Library, Digitizing sponsor: MSN) No copy listed in Wiener China-Bibliographie

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Pollard: Oriental women

Edward B. Pollard: Oriental women (Woman. In all ages and in all countries) (Philadelphia: The Rittenhouse Press, 1908) Digitized: Internet Archive (digitizing sponsor: Lyrasis Members and Sloan Foundation; book contributor: Rutgers University Libraries) No copy listed in Wiener China-Bibliographie On … Weiterlesen

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