Luyts: Introductio ad Geographiam novam et veterem

Jan Luyts: Introductio ad Geographiam novam et veterem : in qua necessaria hujus scienttiae prolegomena … Adjiciuntur suis locis Oceani, Terrae et cujusque regionis tabulae, item Cartae LXV Sansonis … (Trajecti ad Rhenum Ex officina Francisci Halma 1692)

English version:
Herman Moll/Jan Luyts: A system of geography: or, a new & accurate description of the earth in all its empires, kingdoms and states. Illustrated with history and topography, and maps of every country, fairly engraven on copper, according to the latest discoveries and corrections, by Herman Moll. To which are added alphabetical index’s of the names, ancient as well as modern, of all the places mention’d in the work. And a general index of remarkable things. (London: T. Childe 1701)

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