Jocelyn: Six months with the Chinese expedition

Robert Lord Jocelyn: Six months with the Chinese expedition; or, leaves from a soldier’s note-book (London: John Murray, 1841)

  • Bibliographic reference: BS col. 2369
  • Digitized: Google Books (book contributor: University of California; digitized: 5 December 2007)
  • No copy listed in Wiener China-Bibliographie

Second edition (London: Murray, 1841)

  • Digitized: Google Books (book contributor: Oxford University; digitized: 21 April 2006)

Italian edition:
Campagna in China o sei mesi colla spedizione inglese (Milano: Lampato, 1841)

French edition:
La Campagne de Chine, ou six mois avec l’expédition anglaise […] traduite par Xavier Raymond précédée d’une description générale de la Chine. Ornée d’une carte géographique des environs de Canton (Bruxelles: Ode, 1844)

  • Digitized: Google Books (book contributor: Ghent University; digitized: 15 April 2010)
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