Osborne: The problem of Japan

[Sidney Osborne:] The problem of Japan. A political study of Japan and of her relations with Russia, Great Britain, China, Germany, the United States, the British colonies and the Netherlands and of the world politics of the Far East and the Pacific. By an Ex-Counsellor of Legation in the Far East (Amsterdam/Rotterdam: van Langenhuysen, 1918)

German edition:
Das Problem Japans. Politische Betrachtungen über Japan und seine Beziehungen zu Rußland, England, China, Deutschland, Amerika, die britischen Kolonien und Holland, sowie über die Weltpolitik des fernen Ostens und der Länder um den stillen Ozean (Leipzig: Koehler, 1920)

  • Digitized: Internet Archive (digitizing sponsor: Google; book contributor: Stanford University Library)
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