Official narrative of and papers connected with the expedition to explore the trade routes to China via Bhamo

Official narrative of and papers connected with the expedition to explore the trade routes to China via Bhamo, under the guidance of Major E. B. Sladen, political agent, Mandalay. Memorandum by the Chief Commissioner of British Burma. (Rangoon: British Burma Pr. 1869)

Selections from the records of the Government of India / India. Foreign Dept. ; no. 79: Official narrative of the expedition to explore the trade routes to China via Bhamo, under the guidance of Major E. B. Sladen, with connected papers (Calcutta: Office of Superintendent of Govt. Printing 1870)

Includes Robert Gordon’s report on the Bhamo route survey, forwarding memorandum and letters of the Chief Commissioner, Albert Fytche, and varied correspondence related to the expedition.

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