David: Journal de mon troisième voyage d’exploration dans l’Empire Chinois

Armand David: Journal de mon troisième voyage d’exploration dans l’Empire Chinois (Paris: Hachette 1875)

The Lazarist missionary Armand David (1826–1900), a zoologist and a botanist, arrived in Beijing in the 1860s and started a collection of materials for a museum of natural history. He was later commisioned by the Jardin des Plantes to undertake expeditions to China to obtain specimen of hitherto unknown specias.
The most remarkable of the species found by David hitherto unknown in Europe was the Giant Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) and Père David’s Deer (Elaphurus davidianus, in Chinese: 麋鹿 milu).

For biographies of Armand David:
Emmanuel Boutan: Le Nuage et la vitrine, Une vie de Monsieur David (1991) and George Bishop: Travels in Imperial China The Intrepid explorations and Discoveries of Père Armand David (1990).

David’s Les oiseaux de la Chine is listed in Wiener China-Bibliographie

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