Leonardo de Argensola: Histoire de la conquete des isles moluques

Bartolomé Leonardo de Argensola: Conqvista de las Islas Malucas al Rey Felipe III. N.o. S.or […] (Madrid: Alonso Martin, 1609).

  • Bibliographic reference: Graesse I,193 (s. v. ‚Argensola‘), Lust no. 118
  • Digitized:
    > Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (URN: urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb10328578-8, shelfmark: 2 H.as. 10)
    > Google Books (Original from Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, digitized 22 July 2011)
    > Google Books (book contributor: Complutense University, Madrid; digitized: 24 February 2009)
  • Entry in Wiener China-Bibliographie

Bartolomé Leonardo de Argensola: Histoire de la conquête des Isles Moluques par les Espagnols, par les Portugais, & par les Hollandois, traduite de l’Espagnol d’Argensola et enrichie des Figures & Cartes Géographiques, pour l’Intelligence de cet Ouvrages, 2 vols. (Amsterdam: Desbordes, 1706)

  • Bibliographic reference: Lust no. 117
  • Digitized:
    • vol. 1: Ghent University (Google Books)
    • vol. 2: Google Books (book contributor: Harvard University; digitized: 24 October 2008)
    • vol. 3: Google Books (Original from Lyon Public Library, digitized 15 November 2011)
    • For illustrations see Gallica

German edition:
Bartolomé  Leonardo de Argensola: Beschreibung der Molukischen Inseln, Und derer zwischen den Spaniern, Portugiesen und Holländern darum geführten Kriege, 2 vols. (Franckfurth: Rohrlach, 1710-1711).

English edition:
Bartolomé Leonardo de Argensola/John Stevens: The discovery and conquest of the Molucco and Philippine Islands containing, their History, Ancient and Modern, Natural and Political: Their Description, Product, Religion, Government, Laws, Languages, Customs, Manners, Habits, Shape, and Inclinations of the Natives. With an Account of many other adjacent Islands, and several remarkable Voyages throught the Straights of Magellan, and in other Parts […] Now translated into English: And Illustrated with a Map and several Cuts (London, Printed in the Year, 1708).

  • Digitized:
    > HATHI Trust (original from University of Michigan)
    > HATHI Trust (original from University of Michigan)
    > Google Books (book contributor: Oxford University; digitized: 17 September 2007)
  • Bibliographic reference: ESTC Citation No.  T133234

Last updated August 29, 2015.

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