Chang/Woodbridge: China’s only hope

[Chang Chih-tung [Zhang Zhidong 張之洞]/Samuel Isett Woodbrige (translator):] China’s Only Hope. An Appeal By Her Greatest Viceroy, Chang Chih-tung, with the sanction of the Present Emperer, Kwang Sü [光緒 Guangxu]. Translated from the Chinese Edition by Samuel I Woodbridge. Introduction by Griffith John, D. D. (Edinburgh: Oliphant, Anderson and Ferrier 1901)

  • Digitized: Internet Archive (Book contributor: Robarts – University of Toronto, digitizing sponsor: MSN)
  • Bibliographic reference: BS 676
  • No copy listed in Wiener China-Bibliographie
  • Note: Translation of Zhang Zhidong’s 勸學篇 [Exhortations of Learning] (1898)


Chang Chih Tung [張之洞 Zhang Zhidong]/Samuel Isett Woodbridge (transl.): „Learn!“  (Shanghai, Mercury [s. d.])

  • Digitized: Internet Archive (Book contributor: University of California Libraries, digitizing sponsor: MSN)

Tchang Tche-Tong [Zhang Zhidong 張之洞]/Jérôme Tobar, S.J. (transl.):  勸學篇 K’iuen-Hio P’ien [Exhortations à l’Etude], Ouvrage traduit du Chinois par Jérôme Tobar S. J. Nouvelle edition, enrichie du texte chinois. Variétés Sinologiques No. 26 (Shanghai, Imprimerie de mission catholique 1909).


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