Official papers respecting the suspension of trade at Canton

Official papers respecting the suspension of trade at Canton, occasioned by the smuggling of opium, with notes of riot &c. Republished from Chinese Repository for December 1838 (Canton, China 1838)

The papers (letters to/from the authorities in London, correspondence with Chinese authorities, etc.) had been published earlier as
Art. VI. Suspension of  trade, occasioned by the smuggling of opium, within the Bogue, on the river at Whampoa, and into the foreign factories at Canton, with notices of public execution, riot, & c., connected therewith. In: The Chinese Repository, Vol. 7 (May 1838-April 1839), No. 8 (December 1838) pp. 437-456.

For more on this periodical with links to digital copies of all twenty volumes and of the General Index see the separate entry on The Chinese repository.

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