Thom: Wang Keaou Lwan Pĭ Nëen Chang Hăn

Sloth (i.e. Robert Thom, trans.]: 王嬌鸞百年長恨 Wang Keaou Lwan Pĭ Nëen Chang Hăn or the lasting resentment of Miss Keaou Lwan Wang. A Chinese Tale: Founded on Fact. Translated from the Original (Canton: Printed at the Canton Press Office, 1839).

  • Bibliographic reference: BS col. 1768; Lust no. 1103
  • Digitized:
    > Internet Archive (digitizing sponsor: MSN; book contributor: University of California Libraries)
    > BSB (shelfmark A.or. 3050)
  • Entry in Wiener China-Bibliographie
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