La morale de Confucius, philosophe de la Chine

La morale de Confucius, philosophe de la Chine (A Amsterdam, chez Pierre Savouret, dans le Kalverstraat 1688)

La morale de Confucius, philosophe de la Chine (AParis: Caille et Ravier 1818)

Löwendahl identifies Louis Cousin as author and characterises the content as a panegyric on Kongzi 孔子based on the introduction of Confucius Sinarum Philosophus. For translations and additional info cf. Löwendahl 0186.

English versions:
The morals of Confucius a Chinese philosopher, who flourished above five hundred years before the coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Being one of the most choicest pieces of learning remaining of that nation. Licensed, Feb. 25. 1690/1. J. Fraser. (London : printed for Randal Taylor near Stationers-Hall, MDCXCI. [1691])

The morals: of Confucius a Chinese philosopher, Who flourished above Five hundred Years before the Coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Being one of the choicest pieces of learning remaining of that nation, The second edition (London: printed for T. Horne, at the South Entrance into the Royal Exchange, Cornhil, 1706)

The morals of Confucius, a Chinese Philosopher, Who flourished above Five hundred Years before the Coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Being one of the Choicest Pieces of Learning Remaining of that Nation. The Second Edition (London: Printed for F. Fayram 1724)

Last updated August 7, 2015.

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