Morrell: Narrative of a voyage …

Abby Jane Morrell: Narrative of a voyage to the Ethiopic and south Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Chinese Sea, north and south Pacific Ocean, in the years 1829, 1830, 1831 (New York: Harper 1833)

Abby Jane Morrell (1809-?) was the second wife of the American sealing captain and explorer Benjamin Morrell (5 July 1795 – 1839), who made a series of voyages to the Southern Ocean and the Pacific (1823-1831). He described these voyages in  A Narrative of Four Voyages.(1832), whose value and accuracy have been disputed. Abby Jane Morrell accompanied her husband on his fourth voyage through the South Seas and the Pacific Ocean (1829-1831) and shared her impressions in a travelogue (prepared with/by a ghost-writer).
See: Anita J. Duneer: „Voyaging Captains‘ Wives: Feminine Aesthetics and the Uses of Domesticity in the Travel Narratives of Abby Jane Morrell and Mary Wallis.“ In: ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance 56.2 (2010): 192-230. DOI: 10.1353/esq.2010.0038.

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