Feynes: Voyage faict par terre depuis Paris jusques à la Chine …

Henri de Feynes: Voyage faict par terre depuis Paris iusques a la Chine par les. de Feynes gentilhomme de la maison du roy, et ayde mareschal de camp de ses armées. Auec son retour par mer (Paris: P. Rocolet 1630)

Henri de Feynes, a 17th century French explorer and adventurer is considered the first Frenchman to visit China, where he arrived in China in 1609. He published his account in London in 1615, the French publication followed in 1630.

Henri de Feynes/Jean Loiseau de Tourval (tr.): An exact and curious suruey of all the East Indies, euen to Canton, the chiefe cittie of China: all duly performed by land, by Monsieur de Monfart, the like whereof was neuer hetherto, brought to an end : Wherein also are described the huge dominions of the great Mogor, to whom that honorable … (London:  printed by Thomas Dawson, for William Arondell 1615)

Last update: November 19, 2016.

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