Julien (tr.): Le livre des récompenses et de peines …

/Stanislas Julien (tr./ed.): Le livre des récompenses et des peines: en chinois et en français; accompagné de quatre cents légendes, anecdotes et histoires, qui font connaître les doctrines, les croyances et les moeurs de la secte des tao-ssé (Oriental Translation Fund, London. Publications ; 41, LoLndon: Printed for the Oriental translation fund 1835)

  • Digitized:
    > HATHI Trust (Original from University of Michigan)
    > HATHI Trust (Original from University of California)
    > Google Books (Original from collections of Harvard University, digitized 27 February 2009)
    > Google Books (Original from collections of University of California, digitized 14 February 2008)
    > Google Books (Original from collections of University of Michigan, digitized 13 October 2005)
    > Google Books (Original from collections of Harvard University, digitized 11 September 2007)
    > Google Books (Original from collections of  Harvard University, digitized 16 October 2008)
  • Bibliographic reference: BS 726
  • Entry in Wiener China-Bibliographie

French translation of the Taishang ganying pian 太上感應篇, f0r an earlier translation see the one by Abel Rémusat.

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