Manuel de Faria e Sousa: Asia portuguesa

Manuel de Faria e Sousa (1590-1649)  published his Asia portuguesa in three volumes in Lisboa between 1666 and 1674. The volumes were repeatedly reprinted, an english translation was published in 1695.

Sousa, Manuel de Faria e Sousa:  Asia portuguesa: tomo I (Lisboa: en la officina de Henrique Valente de Oliueira […] 1666)

Sousa, Manuel de Faria e Sousa: Asia portuguesa: tomo II (Lisboa: en la officina de Antonio Craesbeeck demello 1674)

Sousa, Manuel de Faria e Sousa: Asia portuguesa: tomo III (Lisboa: en la officina de Antonio Craesbeeck demello 1675)

English version:
Manuel de Faria e Sousa/John Stevens (trans.): The Portugues Asia: Or, The History of the Discovery and Conquest of India by the Portugues; Containing All Their Discoveries from the Coast of Africk, to the Farthest Parts of China and Japan; All Their Battels by Sea and Land, Sieges and Other Memorable Actions; a Description of Those Countries, and Many Particulars of the Religion, Government and Customs of the Natives, &c, Manuel de Faria e Sousa (London: C. Brome 1695)

Last updated June 13, 2015.

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