Schlagwort-Archive: foreign relations

Sinibaldo de Más: La Chine et les puissances chrétiennes

Sinibaldo de Más, La Chine et les puissances chrétiennes, 2 vols. (Paris: Hachette, 1861). Digitized: vol. 1: > Internet Archive (Research Library, The Getty Research Institute) > Universidad Complutense Madrid (digitizing sponsor: Google) > Google Books (provenance: la Biblioteca de … Weiterlesen

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Rockhill: Treaties …

Quite a number of collections of treaties and conventions with/concerning China were published from the late nineteenth century onwards – e.g. by W. Mayers – or  volumes edited by William Woodville Rockhill (1854-1914) in continuation Sir Edward Hertslet’s ‚Treaties, etc., … Weiterlesen

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W. Mayers: Treaties between the Empire of China and foreign powers

A number of collections of treaties between China and and other powers have been published from the late 19th century onwards. One of the compilers was William Frederick Mayers (1831-1878), who published a first edition of his Treaties between the … Weiterlesen

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