Schlagwort-Archive: emperor

The Marriage of the Emperor of China, at Peking on the 16th October, 1872

The Marriage of the Emperor of China, at Peking on the 16th October, 1872. From the Chinese. By L. M. F. (Shanghai: Printed and Published by Da Costa and Co., 1872) Digitized: > Bodleian Library, link to full-text (PDF) > … Weiterlesen

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Milne: The Sacred Edict

William Milne: The Sacred Edict, containing sixteen maxims of the Emperor Kang-he, amplified by his son, the Emperor Yoong-ching; together with a paraphrase on the whole by a mandarin. Translated from the Chinese original, and illustrated with notes (London: Printed … Weiterlesen

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Fischer: Quaestiones Petropolitanae

Johann Eberhard Fischer: Quæstiones Petropolitanæ I. de origine Ungrorum, II. de origine Tatarorum, III. de diversis Shinarum Imperatoris nominibus titulisque, IV. de Hyperboreis. Edidit Aug. Ludovicus Schloezer. Academiæ Scientiarum Petropol. Socius Historiarumque Prof. P. O. (Gottingæ & Gothæ: Impensis Dieterichianis, … Weiterlesen

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Helman: Faits memorables des Empereurs de la Chine

Isidore Stanislas Helman: Faits memorables des empereurs de la Chine : tirés des annales chinoises, dédiés á Madame, orné de 24 estampes in 4° / gravées par Helman d’aprés les dessins originaux de la Chine, tirés du cabinet de Mr. … Weiterlesen

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