Schlagwort-Archive: B
Bush: Five years in China
Charles P. Bush: Five years in China; or the factory boy made a missionary. The life and observations of Rev. William Aitchison, late missionary in China (Philadelphia: Presbyterian Publication Committee [ca. 1865]). Bibliographic reference: BS col. 1301 Digitized: HATHI Trust … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter digital, HATHI Trust, Not in WCB
Verschlagwortet mit 19c, B, biography, Protestant missionaries
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Bonney: A legacy of historical gleanings
Catharina Van Rensselaer Bonney: A legacy of historical gleanings. (Albany, n.Y.: J. Munsell 1875) Digitizd: vol. 1: > Internet Archive (Book contributor New York Public Library, digitizing sponsor MSN) > HATHI Trust (original from Harvard University) > HATHI Trust (original … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter, digital, HATHI Trust, Not in WCB
Verschlagwortet mit 19c, B, missionaries, Protestant missionaries
Kommentare deaktiviert für Bonney: A legacy of historical gleanings
Broomhall (ed.): Martyred Missionaries of the China Inland Mission
Marshall Broomhall (ed.): Martyred Missionaries of the China Inland Mission. With a Record of the Perils & Sufferings of some who escaped. With Portraits, Maps, and Illustrations (London: Morgan & Scott, 1901) Bibliographic reference: BS col. 1245 Digitized: Internet Archive … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter, digital, Not in WCB
Verschlagwortet mit 20c, B, Boxer uprising, Protestant mission
Kommentare deaktiviert für Broomhall (ed.): Martyred Missionaries of the China Inland Mission
Beach: Dawn on the Hills of T’ang
Harlan P. Beach: Dawn on the Hills of T’ang or China as a mission field (New York: Student Volunteer Missionary Union, 1898) Bibliographic reference: BS col. 1243 Digitized: > Internet Archive (digitizing sponsor: Internet Archive; book contributor: Princeton Theological Seminary … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter, digital, Not in WCB
Verschlagwortet mit 19c, B, Protestant mission
Kommentare deaktiviert für Beach: Dawn on the Hills of T’ang
Berdoe: The Origin and Growth of the Healing Art
Edward Berdoe: The Origin and Growth of the Healing Art. A Popular History of Medicine of all Ages and Countries (London: Swan Sonnenschein, 1893) Bibliographic reference: BS col. 1468 Digitized: Internet Archive (digitizing sponsor: MSN; book contributor: Gerstein – University … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter, digital, Not in WCB
Verschlagwortet mit 19c, B, medicine
Kommentare deaktiviert für Berdoe: The Origin and Growth of the Healing Art
Bowles: Our new West
Samuel Bowles: Our new West : records of travel between the Mississippi River and the Pacific Ocean ; over the plains–over the mountains–through the great interior basin–over the Sierra Nevadas–to and up and down the Pacific Coast ; with details … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter, digital, Google Books, Not in WCB
Verschlagwortet mit 19c, B, travel, travels, United States
Kommentare deaktiviert für Bowles: Our new West
Beazley (ed.): The texts and versions of John de Plano Carpini and William de Rubruquis …
Charles Raymond Beazley (ed.): The texts and versions of John de Plano Carpini and William de Rubruquis, as printed for the first time by Hakluyt in 1598, together with some shorter pieces (London: Printed for the Hakluyt Society 1903) Digitized: … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter, digital, Not in WCB
Verschlagwortet mit 20c, B, travelogues
Kommentare deaktiviert für Beazley (ed.): The texts and versions of John de Plano Carpini and William de Rubruquis …
Itinerarivm Beniamini Tvdelensis (1575)
[Binyamin ben Yonah <mi-Tudelah>/Benito Arias Montano (transl.):] Itinerarivm Beniamini Tvdelensis : In Quo Res Memorabiles, Quas Ante Quadringentos annos totum fere terrarum orbem notatis itineribus dimensus vel ipse vidit vel a fide dignis suae aetatis hominibus accepit, breviter atque dilucide … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter BSB, digital, Google Books, ONB
Verschlagwortet mit 16c, B, Benjamin, travelogue
Kommentare deaktiviert für Itinerarivm Beniamini Tvdelensis (1575)
Bosch Reitz: Catalogue of an Exhibition of Early Chinese Pottery
S.C. Bosch Reitz: Catalogue of an Exhibition of Early Chinese Pottery and Sculpture (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1916) Bibliographic reference: BS col. 3892 Digitized: Internet Archive (digitizing sponsor: Google; book contributor: Harvard University) No copy listed in Wiener … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter, digital, Not in WCB
Verschlagwortet mit 20c, art, B, pottery
Kommentare deaktiviert für Bosch Reitz: Catalogue of an Exhibition of Early Chinese Pottery
Bode: Lights and Shadows of Chinatown
William Bode: Lights and Shadows of Chinatown (San Francisco: Crocker, 1896) Bibliographic reference: BS col. 2688 Digitized: Internet Archive (digitizing sponsor and book contributor: The Library of Congress) No copy listed in Wiener China-Bibliographie
Veröffentlicht unter, digital, Not in WCB
Verschlagwortet mit 19c, B, Chinese immigration, emigration
Kommentare deaktiviert für Bode: Lights and Shadows of Chinatown