China and France, or, Two treatises. The one, of the present state of China, as to the government, customs, and manners of the inhabitants thereof; never yet known to us before in Europe. From the observation of two Jesuites lately returned from that countrey. Written and published by the French Kings cosmographer, and now Englished. The other, containing the most remarkable passages of the reign and life of the present French King, Lewis the Fourteenth; and of the valour of our English in his armies. (London : printed by T.N. for Samuel Lowndes over against Exeter-house in the Strand 1676)
The first treatise is an account of the travels of Johann Grueber and Albert d’Orville, translated into French by Melchisédech Thévenot and from the French into English (see note in ESTC Citation No. R5789).