Archiv der Kategorie:
Jerningham: From West to East
Sir Hubert Jerningham: From West to East. Notes by the Way (New York: Dutton & Co., 1907) Bibliographic reference: BS col. 2752 (includes the following note: „Account of Travels from England to India, and thence to Japan, Manchuria and Korea“] … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter, digital, Not in WCB
Verschlagwortet mit 20c, J, Manchuria, travel, travelogue
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Smith: China from Within
Stanley P. Smith: China from Within, or the Story of the Chinese Crisis (London: Marshall Brothers, 1901) Bibliographic reference: BS col. 2586 Digitized: Internet Archive (digitizing sponsor: Google; book contributor: Stanford University Library) No copy listed in Wiener China-Bibliographie
Veröffentlicht unter, digital, Not in WCB
Verschlagwortet mit 20c, Boxer uprising, S
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Conwell: Why and How. Why the Chinese emigrate …
Russell Herman Conwell: Why and how. Why the Chinese emigrate, and the means they adopt for the purpose of reaching America […] (Boston: Lee and Shepard, 1871) Bibliographic reference: BS col. 2679 Digitized: Internet Archive (digitizing sponsor: MSN; book contributor: … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter, digital, Not in WCB
Verschlagwortet mit 19c, C, Chinese immigration, United States
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Interview with His Excellency Li Hung Chang
Interview with His Excellency Li Hung Chang, Grand Secretary and Special Ambassador of His Majesty the Emperor of China, by representatives of Foreign Missionary Societies in the U.S.A. And his Attitude toward Christan Missions. New York, September 1st, 1896 (New … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter, digital
Verschlagwortet mit 19c, Protestant mission; Li Hongzhang
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Linebarger: The Political Doctrines of Sun Yat-sen
Paul Myron Anthony Linebarger: The Political Doctrines of Sun Yat-sen. An Exposition of the San min chu i (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1937) Digitized: Internet Archive (Digital Library of India) No copy listed in Wiener China-Bibliographie
Veröffentlicht unter, digital, Not in WCB
Verschlagwortet mit 20c, L, politics, Sun Yat-sen
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Gilbert: What’s wrong with China
Rodney Gilbert: What’s wrong with China (London: Murray, 1926) Bibliographic reference: Jansen, p. 48 (no. 2.1 042); refers to a 1927 reprint Digitized: Internet Archive (collection: opensource) No copy listed in Wiener China-Bibliographie
Veröffentlicht unter, digital, Not in WCB
Verschlagwortet mit 20c, G, general
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Chitty: Things seen in China
J.R. Chitty: Things seen in China (London: Seeley, 1909) Bibliographic reference: Jansen, p. 43 (no. 2.1 025). Digitized: Internet Archive (digitizing sponsor: Internet Archive; book contributor: University of California Libraries) No copy listed in Wiener China-Bibliographie
Veröffentlicht unter, digital, Not in WCB
Verschlagwortet mit 20c, art, economy, religion, social life
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Hardy: John Chinaman at home
Edward John Hardy: John Chinaman at home. Sketches of men, manners and things in China (London: Fisher Unwin, 3rd ed. 1907) Bibliographic reference: Jansen, p. 51 (no. 2.1 056) Digitized: Internet Archive (digitizing sponsor: Google; book contributor: Harvard University) No … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter, digital, Not in WCB
Verschlagwortet mit 20c, customs and manners, H
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Lanning: Old forces in new China
George Lanning: Old forces in new China. An effort to exhibit the fundamental relationships of China and the West in their true light, together with an appendix dealing with the story of the Chinese revolution down to the end of … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter, digital, Not in WCB
Verschlagwortet mit 20c, L, Xinhai revolution
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Hail: Tsêng Kuo-fan and the Taiping Rebellion
William James Hail: Tsêng Kuo-fan and the Taiping Rebellion. With a short sketch of his later career (Yale historical publications; miscellany, 18; New Haven: Yale University Press, 1927) Bibliographic reference: Jansen, p. 167 (no. 4.7.3 004) Digitized: Internet Archive (collection: … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter, digital, Not in WCB
Verschlagwortet mit 20c, H, Taiping Rebellion, Zeng Guofan
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