Lindesay Brine: The Taeping Rebellion in China

Lindesay Brine: The Taeping Rebellion in China; a narrative of its rise and progress, based upon original documents and information obtained in China (London: Murray, 1862).

  • Bibliographic reference: BS col. 649, Löwendahl, vol. 2, p. 232 (no. 1264)
  • Digitized:
    > Google Books (book contributor: Harvard University; digitized: 5 October 2005)
    > HKU
    > Internet Archive (digitizing sponsor: Google; book contributor: Oxford University)
  • Entry in Wiener China-Bibliographie

Lindesay Brine (1834-1906) entered the Royal Navy in 1847.
On his The Taiping Rebellion see the obituary in The Geographical Journal 27,3 (March 1906) 309: „[…] While serving in the Far East, he took much pains to collect accurate information on the troubles then prevailing, and in 1862 published the results of his observations and inquiries in a volume entitled ‚The Taiping Rebellion in China‘.“

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