Renneville: A collection of voyages undertaken by the Dutch East-India Company for the improvement of trade and navigation

Constantin de Renneville: A collection of voyages undertaken by the Dutch East-India Company for the improvement of trade and navigation, containing an account of several attempts to find out the North-East Passage, and their discoveries in the East-Indies, and the South Seas, together with an historical introduction, giving an account of the rise, establishment and progress of that great body. Translated into English and Illustrated with several Charts (London: Printed for W. Freeman 1703)

This is a translation of the first volume of de Renneville’s Recueil des voyages qui ont servi à l’etablissement et aux porgres de la Comapgnie des Indes Orientales, Formée dans les Porvinces Unies des Païs-bas (Amsterdam: Estienne Roger, 1702) – which is a French adaptation of Begin ende Voortgangh van de Vereenighde Nederlantsche Geoctroyeerde Oost-Indische Compagnie (1646)


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