Verbal Discussions during Peace Negotiations, between […] Li Hung-Chang, and […] Count Ito and Viscount Mutsu, at Shimonoseki

Verbal Discussions during Peace Negotiations, between the Chinese plenipotentiary Li Hung-Chang, and the Japanese plenipotentiaries Count Ito and Viscount Mutsu, at Shimonoseki, Japan. March-April, 1895. Translated from the original Chinese records. Officially revised. With portrait of Viceroy Li Hung-chang. Reprinted from „The Peking and Tientsin Times“ (Tientsin: The Tientsin Press, 1895)

  • Digitized: Internet Archive (digitizing sponsor: Google; book contributor: University of Michigan)
  • No copy listed in Wiener China-Bibliographie
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