Sirr: China and the Chinese

Henry Charles Sirr: China and the Chinese. Their religion, character, customs, and manufactures: the evils arising from the opium trade; with a glance at our religious, moral, and commercial intercourse with the country, 2 vols. (London: Orr & Co., 1849)

  • Bibliographic reference: Löwendahl, vol. 2, p. 191 f. (no. 1101)
  • Digitized:
    vol. 1:
    Internet Archive (digitizing sponsor: MSN; book contributor: Robarts – University of Toronto)
    Internet Archive (digitizing sponsor: Google; book contributor: Harvard University)
    vol. 2:
    Internet Archive (digitizing sponsor: MSN; book contributor: Robarts – University of Toronto)
    Internet Archive (digitizing sponsor: Google; book contributor: Harvard University)
  • No copy listed in Wiener China-Bibliographie


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