The Chinese Recorder (1868-1914)

The Chinese recorder and missionary journal. (Foochow [et al.] 1.1868/69 – 45.1914)

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3 Antworten zu The Chinese Recorder (1868-1914)

  1. BS 2.0 sagt:

    I checked the link listed for vol. 7 ( and it works without any registration.

  2. Helen sagt:

    To finish my dissertation, I have to find vol 7. Yale University dose have vol 7, but it cannot be downloaded if you don’t have an account. Have anyone found vol 7. Please share the source !!! I need it badly!!!

  3. Michael McCabe sagt:

    Volumes 1-39 of the „Chinese Recorder and Missionary Journal“ are available on Google Books, though I have not discovered the link for volume 7. The link for volume 24 (no link for this volume listed on your site) is

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